The story behind the project is more impressive than the products itself.
Mr.Sheng Li and Mrs.Sae Lim moved from the Jiadong peninsula ,China to the northern hilly regions of Chiang Mai, Thailand few decades back.They were imigrants in the Doipui Hills. They brought with them the age old receipe of Chinese sauces from their houseland. First they just made the sauces to use for them selves and their community (Hmong Tribe) .Later it was in great demand and so they decided to set up a small village factory to produce for sale in the community and later for the whole province. And today JING SHENG’s Soy Sauce, Chilli Sauce, Sweet Chilli Sauce, Hoisin sauce, Szechwan sauce are a hit, right from the food courts of the university town of CHIANG MAI in the north to the BANGA Road Food joints of PHUKET in the south.
We at DECL, India is proud to deliver the orginal JING SHENG sauces prepared with the same age old receipe of Mr.Sheng Li at your neighbour hood stores in India. We have worked tirelessly to successfully combine the Chinese expertise with Indian ingenuity.